大麻地图DaMaMaps.com is a cutting-edge cannabis technology and advertising company located in Toronto, Canada. As the first and foremost legal cannabis-related platform, we provide a comprehensive international marketplace, e-commerce services, and online social networking and communication platforms. Our website is currently available in English and Chinese versions, and we are now working towards launching versions in Japanese and Korean to broaden our global reach.

Our mission

  • To provide a secure and legal platform for individuals to discover and connect with others in the legal cannabis industry, as well as to facilitate easy and safe access to a wide range of legal cannabis-related products and services.

Our Vision

  • To provide updated and valid information on medical marijuana, cannabis, and CBD.
  • To educate the general public and raise awareness on cannabis which aids in the improvement of physical and psychological discomforts to patients who suffer from cancer, epilepsy, depression, and many other illnesses which in turn leads to a healthier lifestyle with minimal discomfort.
  • To guide our customers to explore this mysterious yet beneficial field present in our lives through our platform.

Our Brand

The brands under the HanMa International Corporation include

  • 大麻地图 DaMaMaps.com

*DaMa (大麻 ) in Chinese means “Cannabis/Marijuana/Weed/Hemp” 

  • 汉麻地图 HanMaMaps.com
  • 知麻开门 OpenCannabiz.com

We sincerely invite you to join us in sharing cannabis, hemp, and CBD-related products, their medicinal value and health benefits as well as contributing to future global acceptance and decriminalization.

We are an emerging and fast-moving company and would like to help you enter the massive Asian community. If you would like to join our team, develop and grow your own business, or have any inquiries, please contact us at info@DaMaMaps.com.


大麻地图DaMaMaps.com是全球华人No.1最大的大麻媒体社交电商平台科技公司,位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市。我们为华人社区提供在线合法大麻平台,为用户提供查看,评价和讨论所有与大麻产品有关的商家, 当地药房与相关信息。






  • 大麻地图 DaMaMaps.com
  • 汉麻地图 HanMaMaps.com
  • 知麻开门 OpenCannabiz.com

我们正在快速发展中,诚挚邀请您的加入,并希望帮助您进入及拓展中国以及海外华人市场。如果您想加入我们,开发及促进自己的业务,或了解更多资讯,请联系Info@DaMaMaps.com .